Kumarn Tong

The Kumarn Tong is a legendary powerful animist effigy used in Thai Buddha Magic. The Kumarn Tong is found in the Thai Historical Legend of Khun Chang Khun Phaen, but is also an ancient Wicha which existed long before the time of Khun Phaen, which uses magical incantations and special substances to make an effigy and call the spirit of a child Deity to inhabit the effigy, and bestow wealth and other blessings on the household which looks after it and makes Bucha offerings to it.

The Kumarn helps us to improve our lives and gains merits to free himself and rise up to higher levels by way of the merits it has made helping Humans. The merits we make in life should also be shared with the Kumarn tong to help repay his generosity to us.

See All Kumarn Tong Amulets and Bucha statues in our store >>> Kumarn Tong